Monday, June 10, 2013

You Can't Sit With Us!

Let me start out by justifying the image you are seeing above, along with the name of this post. No, I am not going to discuss how much I love Mean Girls, though it was a good move it never struck me as a classic. And no, I am not going to tell you how I came from Africa and rose to a short lived popularity, that would be mellow dramatic. Nor did I take over a school with my team of strategically casted bitches, that would have been highly overlooked at my institution of schooling.

So why, might you ask, did I choose this photo and title for todays late post? Because, sitting down to babble at my computer one night, I wrote what some might call a novel. Not with any intention in mind, just because I think my Macy-Mac wants to hear all my deepest and darkest thoughts. Along with the funny ones, too. 

I wanted to share a small excerpt from the mindless thoughts of who some refer to as Shelby Leigh. Okay, no one refers to me as that, but here it is anyways:

At a rather young age we are subjected to the thoughts of being popular. It doesn't take much to be on the top tier of your grade school pyramid. All you need is the biggest hair bow, the whitest Keds, and a quirky yet cute laugh. If you don't have these things you are screwed. Sorry bout ya, but there ain't no rest for the wicked and that should be taught at a young age.

I myself have fought the woes of popularity for many a years. From my first group meeting with the girls I still call my best friends. That fateful day seemed to be over before it began with the mere mistake of saying Ramen Noodles were a foreign object to my grocery list. 

"Mom! You NEVER fed me what all the cool kids refer to as 'Ramen!' You have ruined my childhood and my only chance at ever having friends!! I will die alone and even worse... A LOSER!"

Yes, we fight this battle for many a years, and then adulthood comes. 

Oh right. It is no different. 

Yes people, I am here to let you know that just because you made it into the so called "real world" does not mean you have escaped the superior bunch. My eyes scroll down Instagram post by Instagram post, during Bachelorette commercial breaks, wondering why I was not invited to be one of Austin's elite? What do they have that I don't? Besides an unrealistic clothing budget and a tan of course. 

And what should I take away from this? You can follow the path of your childhood, try to be cooler and try to fit in. Or, you can just turn up the volume a littler louder on your own life, and make a kind of popular all your own. 

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