Monday, June 24, 2013

Books Are My Friend

Books are my friend. They always have been and always will. On nights when humans have ditched on plans, or days when no one wants to lay out in the blazing Texas sun books are always there. Tell me I need to pay $5.00 for water or $50.00 for a book, I will dehydrate enjoying a novel. If faced with the choice of bringing my iTunes library or paperback collection to a deserted island I would have my books neatly packed before the sentence was complete. 

As a child, when announcing a need to use the restroom, I would run through the house yelling "I have to go to the bathroom! I need 15 books!" 

It seems ridiculous, but ask yourself what better escape there is in life? To sound like a total geazer: Kids these days just don't understand the importance of a good book. They walk around doing drugs and causing mayhem when they could be educating themselves on things that really matter. Things like Coco Chanel's legacy and Ellen's funny antics. 

The youngsters who do read have a tablet and fill them with magazines. Not that I have anything against magazines, or tablets now. It did take time for me to understand the phenomenon. Their plethora of buttons and lack of old book smell felt like a foreign object. 

In recent events (where Instagram stalking Emma Roberts happened) I fond every other photo on her feed was a book. She reads all the time. She is a girl after my own heart. And to respect someone who takes the time to open up a crisp novel, I have decided to honor her by reading all the books she has posted. 

Emma Roberts Instagram Book Challenge is my new summer goal. As it should be many others. Children in their chaotic teen years, I challenge you to put down the joint and Key Stone can (you are only doing yourself a disfavor with this watered down beer) and pick up books. Learn something. Be something. And when summer comes to an end and all of your friend ask where you have been you can say to them "I have been on an adventure. I have explored place you will never go, and seen things you will never see."

They will probably think you are crazy and might halt contact. This will only allow you more time to read. Everyone wins in the end. 

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