Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What Are We Waiting For?

So here is the deal. I have been MIA on this blog, mainly because I have been MIA in life. A recent trip to New York left me reeling for greater purpose in life. Where I thought my world had finally aligned it was seemed to be setting me up for total confusion. As work began to increase, my hope for great things began to dwindle. I've been looking for something to change, something to jump out and scream exploration.

There I was, leaving the city of lights, the place my mind had painted hues of bright colored fun and fantasy for years, when the lyrics hit me: "And we'll never be royals... It don't run in our blood, that kind of lux just ain't for us. We crave a different kind of buzz." Lorde is a goddess all her own. And she knows whats up.

Where I thought of NYC as a place I'd love to come visit again once rich and well known, it showed me just the opposite. Living in an un air-conditioned room for a three day span, and witnessing the free spirited young professionals of Brooklyn dance to the beat of their broke drum sparked a new outlook. I don't want to work my way up to the top and create some photo copy name. I want to create change. 

The streets were full of people on their way to a new destination. The coffee shops full of purposeful chatter. My heart filled with the musky smell of new beginnings. Much like Sylvia Plath, where I once expected to fit in through buying popular brands I now wanted to throw those things off the roof top. I want to explore the world in a way that matters, and explore a true purpose. 

As a generation of inventors we have lost the ability to create something new. I don't want to be safe anymore. I don't want to do something already done in a new way. I want to make up a life of creativity, and celebrate those who see the beauty in being poor and emerging. It is time to explore what is out there, and run wild in a world of new beginnings.  

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