Monday, August 19, 2013

This Is It

My name is Shelby. I just turned 22. And am confident in the fact that I have life all figured out.

I live at home and work from my childhood desk. My days consist of begging people to let me do marketing for their companies and writing when I have the time. All while taking breaks to go grocery shopping with my mom, and knowing in the back of my mind that I will do great things.

And though this predicament seems quite mundane, and my life seems to be very much in shambles, to me it feels like the exact place I should be. This is the right path.

I will never forget the time a friend asked when I was going to start looking for a real job again, and having to ponder the thought of what a real job even is? Was I doing the wrong thing by leaving a stable position that I was sure to pay my rent by for something that was not even mapped out in my own mind?

Though young, I am confident in one thing: I will do my best to never work under someone who does not respect me again. Been there done that. Was made a fool of and sent packing with a shattered dream of being a broadcast journalist crumpled in my office mint holder.

Sobbing into the phone with my mom there was only one thing I could think "I was meant for so much more."

Which is where I think we should all be after college. Starring in the face of our newly sought after journey, with hardly any money and new roommates named mom and dad, or someone else if you so choice to not take advantage of free meals and unconditional love (even when you are trying to work). We should be scared and we shouldn't know what is going to happen. We should be up for the adventures to come and work day and night to get there.

We might think we deserve things, but we deserve nothing. I am well acquainted with working way too much. Sacrificing food and sleep to put in the hours. Losing nights out and group dinners to perhaps get ahead. From it I have learned what we deserve, and that is only the ability to dream for greater things.

So this is where I'm at. A little crazy and very much overwhelmed. But I am dreaming, and one day I know I will do great things. For now that's all I need.

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