Tuesday, August 27, 2013

So, This is a Post NOT About Miley

Returning home from a business trip this weekend I was compelled to write about the many places people said I could go in life, and the many things they thought I would do. But there isn't anything more annoying than a post of how many times your own horn has been tooted over the years. 

It was not until I read yet another blog on the Miley Cyrus VMA's show that a niche surfaced. 

I am not here to discuss the level of profanity her performance brought. Frankly I like the song, and don't really care what she does to portray her new sense of style. Yeah, when asked I'll say her dance was over the top, but the first thing out of my mouth was that her voice was good. The thing I am here to say is this:

At least she got people talking. For weeks leading up to the VMA's social media was buzzing with the rumors of 'N Sync stepping up to the mic and dancing their gracefully aged boy band butts off one more time. Justin Timberlake's 20 minute performance was epic in all forms, yet people are wasting their time talking mad shit about a girl who rubbed a foam finger on herself. 

My elementary school principal told me I would be the first female president. My third grade teacher came up to the school in the middle of her maternity leave to congratulate me on a perfect English TASS score. These things happen to everyone, in no way do I think I'm awesome. But what I took from it was to do things that get people talking. And when you are the one talking, do it for the right cause. 

We can zoom in on a photo of Miley Cyrus's butt and show the ounce of cellulite captured in mid dance move, or we can take the time to tell our kids that loving your body is a great thing. You can bet your bottom dollar my rear end would never be caught dead in that bathing suite spandex she sported. 

Or we could take the time to discuss free expression. Tell the teens of our generation that while everyone might not like what you do, if you have good reason and heart backing your decisions then it's your decision to share it with the world. 

Better yet... lets talk about the God who is Justin Timberlake. A man that can sing and dance for 20 minutes straight. Who has worked his way from boy band babe to actor/singer/man of every woman's dreams, who instead of screwing around has a wife and brings his parents to watch him receive an award named after yet another great performer. 

We spend so much time as critics of everyone else's work, what if we spent half that time being critics of our own? Pushing ourselves to do great things, or do shitty things that get people talking. Either way, just get people talking. Find your power and own it. Do you think either of those singers got where they are today by harassing other artist? Doubt it. 

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