Thursday, August 29, 2013

When It's Time To Change

Initially this blog was meant to service my overwhelming love of fashion and pricy items. I worked incredibly hard to get it up and running, learning how to create a blog page, making yet another Facebook page, and then had to beg even my closest friends to follow. 

Writing for that blog was hard. I enjoyed the topics I chose, but so much work goes into writing a piece that they were usually cut short and lacked luster. It was not until I returned home from a trip to New York (where I bought one ratty tank and a map drawing) that my trip with Chic in Shambles really began. 

My life to this point has been a journey of failure, but one with a very clear ending goal. I was to do great things. Clearly, having that vague grasp on your dreams makes for a difficult vision of the dream itself.  

First the thought lie in being the best reporter ever to grace a TV screen, but Giuliana Rancic already holds that title. Then it was to be the best fashion blogger in the world. But Leandra Medine is also the shizz, so tough luck for me. 

It wasn't until that trip to New York, when I took a three hour plane ride to ponder life, that I realized none of these things were me. Frankly, I looked like a goon on TV because my eyes would retract and my mouth would run dry. Writing about fashion is great, but I have never been well versed in brands and I haven't bought anything that didn't have cut off sleeves or fringe in months. 

What I am good at however, is evaluating peoples lives. I take great pride in being the fly on everyones wall, and as much as I enjoy engaging in conversation I will pick up on every sly move you make. In high school I made it a priority to remember every  persons face, just incase someone blew up the school. It was a rough place and people hated those walls. No precaution is too much. 

This crazy, but some what piratical, trait seems to be working. The past few post have been tailored to my views on life, and have resulted in a few thank you's and compliments. Emphasis on the FEW... I know I'm not getting picked up by The Ellen Show any time soon, though that dream will stand until it happens. 

But the encouragement has helped me lean towards a new wave or writing, and get back to where this whole journey began. I wanted to make a change, that has always been true. Now I am trying my hand at making it with the thing I find passion in. People. 

So thank you, to those who have encouraged me to stay true to myself. I will write these post in hopes to guide one of you through even the smallest problem you have. With hopes that you find clarity in my words, I will write to the everyday struggles of a generation of 20-somthings with nothing in life figured out. And to those who are offended by anything I say from here on out, sorry. Though, not really sorry, but you get the gist.

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