Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What No One Tells You About Adulthood

We have all heard it before. There are things in life you just have to figure out on your own. Times and places where people leave out information that would have helped you get through the future with a few less tears. Like telling you that eating unhealthy crap will catch up to you. No one says that until you are sitting in the doctors office being told that it caught up with you. 

It is also not new for someone to make a list of all the things no one told you before growing up. I will not sit and say that mine will be any more relatable or even more interesting. But it is where I'm at in my life so that is that.

1. Your life relates to TV shows:
As a kid you loved TV. You watched cartoons and Zoey101. If you are anything like me you were heartbroken when Jamie Lynne got pregnant and couldn't continue her boarding school experience. There was no relation to you and her now knocked up character, so the pain only lasted a few days. Now, everything you watch is in some way related to you. Who knew I was a meth making, ex convict, who wants her parents to support her writing career in NYC? I didn't. But it all makes sense and it is 100 percent me. 

2. You can embark knowledge on adults:
You used to be cute and funny. Would say silly things that your parents repeated to their friends when you were not around. Now you run the freaking show. There was nothing more powerful than sitting my parents and grandparents down for their iPhone tutorials. I am no longer that chubby bunny who wants to be Taylor Swift. No. I am the ruler of the smart phone world! Oh, and as an adult you learn that bonding with family is fun. Not horrible like you once thought. As the power wore off I felt joy knowing my teachers were now my students, and that I could be level and share mutual respect. How's that for sounding old?

3. Cooking is crazy:
This is no joke. Cooking like an adult is insane. I want to say it is comparable to giving birth, but feel that might be a bit pretentious. Making food as an adult is this crazy phenomenon. your door is open to more than ramen and three orders of Canes friends on a hard night. You can cut your own potatoes and fry them in grease. Or you can use stuff like Curry or Kale (lettuce that people eat without dressing). You can say "No thank you" to the rectangular slices of pizza in the cafeteria and yes please to anything in the entire grocery store. No more fits on the floor for that coco powder dipped in chocolate extract cereal. Eat that shit all night long and watch your teeth fall out the next day. It's your life. Just live it! 

4. If food isn't your child money is:
Here is the deal. I used to spend my money like I could stick a QTip up my nose and produce gold. As an adult you have to count your money, and make sure it last until the end of the month. To me this is crazy. Paying $100 for three DVD's shouldn't feel bad at all. I don't watch movies but they look great on display. And a dress for $60 is perfect. Hello, it's a whole outfit in one. Though slowly but surely my pocket book has tightened and my mouth is opening to the sounds of sales and great deals. I even cut out a few coupons the other day... only to tear them up and throw them in the trash with haste.  

5. You actually stop listening to music:
Me: "I have been so anxious getting from one place to another I haven't even been turning my radio on in the car."
My ManFran: "It's it crazy that we turn into adults and don't even know it."

6. The world is finally your playground:
So this my friends, is perhaps the only good news about being an adult. As you grow older you learn that the world is finally yours. You are no longer tied down by the school district you live in, or the apartment complex you signed your life away to for 12 months. There is no one telling you what you can and can't do, besides your boss. But if you don't like him it is as easy as quitting to get a new one. Obviously I'm not crazy and know there are restrictions to these comments. But as 20-somthing's we are at a time where making changes can't really hurt us. We have no obligations holding us down but paying bills. And we survived college, so living in near slum quarters is nothing we can't handle. This is our time to learn and grow. This is our time to become something big. Life is now our playground and we are owning this daycare. 

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