Monday, April 22, 2013

Real Life Ain't Real Long

It's been a long while, but I'm back! Please excuse my absence, if it was noticed, after last weeks events I was unable to write. Everyday a new idea planted roots in my pulsing thinker, but as I would sit down the tragically stained images of Boston and West would weigh heavy on my fingers. Even a post honoring those involved in the tragedies seemed wrong.

That was until today, when the concerns of a companion sparked my writing fire. As my froomie (friend roommate) expressed her fear of growing up and moving on, i.e. college graduation, i.e. end of childhood, i.e. death of many, I began to ponder.

Collecting my honorable scroll of paper in three years left little time to observe. There was not time to think of things around me as there was not even time to inhale food. Though one matter painted a picture so bright it broke down the walls of my rice a beans. A college food favorite of mine.

Here is where I might lose some people, sorry if my thoughts do not match yours, but life is tough some times. The following is what I told zee froomie:

"Don't deal [with a job you might like because you can't find one you love] don't even let that be an option. [There are people who settle] don't be them, be the girl who loves what she does because she didn't settle. It is scary, and it is not rewarding for a while. And people will say you are crazy, but the best people are crazy. Remember, success stories don't come from those who had their lives handed to them. They come from those who worked their asses off, took rejections right and left, and stepped on it all with their hard worked for designer heels."

But I did not share this with you to show my encompassing brilliance. You can decide that for yourself. I shared this because it is the truth as I see it. A lot of people thought I was crazy to give up my stable job for life in the unknown. But no one was more skeptic than I. And until I let myself say that where I was wasn't where I wanted to be it was a hard rode. While my wallet might be empty, and my dreams may never come true, I am one of those few people who can say, without a doubt in their mind, that they love what they do.

The choice between stability and a shaky rock seems easy, the choice between money and poverty even more so, but the choice between love and a lie should be the most simple of them all.

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