Monday, November 4, 2013

It's All About Coming Home

In the past two weeks I have learned a thing or two about life, love, and what you can't take with you. I, along with many others, go through life thinking it is all about having some well thought out career and an open road to success. I, along with many others, am very wrong. 

11 years ago I was abruptly greeted by a tall, lanky, dark headed girl in my 6th grade class. I pulled myself together to meet her three best friends. And walked away shuttering at the disappointment shown by the short, spunky, blonde when I lacked the taste bud knowledge of something called Ramen Noodles. In a moment in which she had no need to find light in me, this dark haired girl did. It forever changed my life. 

Last weekend I was reminded of this instance, as I sat in a room with four girls and our moms. We talked about old times, and were made aware that our parents knew every single thing we did. The sneaky lake house visits that were not so sneaky. The times we called home from the car to say we were at the slumber party. In reality a slumber party and real party at the same, right? We laughed and we cried, and found peace with a difficult situation.

We were blessed. 

I am blessed. Blessed to have these girls who never stray, and who held on when I did. There are people in your life that are just meant to be there. They find a way together when times get grey, and find a way apart when space is needed. 

It is with great caution that I say I have never been a huge believer in God. Not because I don't think he is there, but simply because my belief has always been in other things. 

However, this week. This week was full of miracles. They have shown me the power of finding our way home: Dress fittings that happen on the exact perfect weekend for an out of towner. How a ride back from a business trip falls into place. And how our lives together are as simple as a pause and play button. 

As I stepped into a church filled with love and tears, I was greeted with a familiar view. Though this time I did not house a fear of fitting in with the youth group members, or knowing when to sit and when to stand. This time it was filled with beauty. This place I had been so many times before, with the loving woman we now all celebrated. She brought me back. She brought us all back, to the place she found peace. To the arms of our loved ones. The place we all belong. 

In life we wait for the next big thing. We bury ourselves in work to one day look up and see an empty room. We run from love at every chance we get. Find excuses to not feel, and not place our trust in things that could easily go away. Some of us are lucky beyond words. Some of us open our eyes one day and realize there is no where else to run. And that day it is not too late, those people are standing in front of us. That day, we are home. 

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