Friday, November 15, 2013

When Life's Little Secrets Are Big Red Signs

It has become evident that something we as humans, and more importantly heel wearing species, lack is the ability to listen to life. We are firm believers that our gift is to know everything, and that nothing can be wrong if coming from that mushy pink melon between our ears. Problem with that is... most of the time we are actually wrong. 

Not that I'm saying woman were not given gifts. We have chest ornaments to lure drinks from men, and lashes to bat our way out of trouble. We have the capacity to remember every song ever written, and lungs large enough to recount every major designer in one breath. We were given the ability to hold bags on both arms, and still apply lip gloss without a fault. 

See, we are quite the talented kind. But, where we often lack in skill is listening to what is truly right. We ignore that loud voice of life and cover it with the silly thoughts of our own. And while this can be disputed day in and day out, here are two places I can back up my argument:

Though I hate being this person, I shall eat my own words by saying, when it comes to work I am pretty much an expert. I have been in good work and in bad. I have worked for a corporation and ventured out on my own. My eyes have seen both success and failure. And through it all there is one thing that remains the same: if you don't love what you are doing it's because you are not being true to yourself. For years I poured my heart into being a journalist. I wanted to help people and show them the truth, yet ended up spending long nights and early mornings cutting video, copying pre-written stories, and running crazy errands. Sure, there are some breaking news reporters that get to crack cases and reunite dogs with their owners. But there can only be so many dogs who will stand still for an after rescue interview. Taking a step back from journalism, I let myself fall into a career of marketing. Initially my thoughts were gloomy. How could I pack up my bags of semi-helping someone and turn for a road of not helping at all? Eventually, I realized life had brought me to this place where I was directly helping people grow their hard-worked-for businesses. By being honest with myself in knowing I wanted to help others, my work had become a direct reflection of those goals. Be honest with your final goal, and don't let a flashy present thought stand in the way.

I could have picked a few other things to talk about in this post. But honestly, I wanted to leave a lot of room for this one and not lose everyones interest before the end. I can not tell you how many times my friends, and myself, have fallen victim to this problem. Listen up ladies... if you aren't respecting yourself then no guy is going to feel the need to do it either. I am confronted time and time again by the most amazing girls who all ask the same question: Why doesn't he like me? I also often hear people giving the advice that girls need to play the game. "Don't call him for exactly 22 hours 16 minutes and 37.2 seconds. That will show him who's boss." Or "He likes you, he is just scared of what a great relationship he would have with you." First off ladies, stop throwing out these horrible comments. They are tales as old as time, and relationships are NOT games. I know because I've been there. I've said these things and have been told them as well. What you need to do is respect yourself. Be busy when you are busy and talk when you are not. If you go above and beyond for a guy and blame it on your personality, you better be going above and beyond for yourself too. I'm talking over the moon, home run kind of beyond. Don't act like you are crazy nice to yourself when really you are just crazy about the wrong guy. And lastly, RESPECT yourself. You know what I'm saying and you know it will work. Even if you don't want to admit it. We are so quick to give guys the thing we think they want, when what we need to do is give ourselves what we really want. And if you are worried about a guy who doesn't like you then what you want is a natural progressing relationship.

So bottom line, start listening to life's little secrets, and stop clouding them with things you think might, maybe, one day be right. If you are at a job that you hate, you probably aren't going to wake up loving it tomorrow. And if you are chasing after guys who keep disappointing you, they probably aren't going to wake up loving you tomorrow. 

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