Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Are We All Free Falling?

Who woke up one day and said “Hey, lets not wear a bra!” Better question: Why can’t I partake? 

This has become an exclusive club of easy going, chest bearing babes that I want to be a part of. It seems clear that Emma Watson (my personal idol) hasn't purchased a bra since the first Harry Potter movie was released. 

I see them in the park, and in the dark. I see them in the street, on bike and on feet. I see them in bars, even in cars. Why can’t I be like them Sam I Am, why can’t I be just like them? 

Though in all honesty, aside from the Dr. Seuss remix, why can I not pull off this ever freeing trend? The ladies of Austin have it down to a T. Their shirts are loose and their twins a-blazing. It even seems sticky tape is a thing of the past, as this group has mastered the slip up and blasted it into oblivion. 

Also, what does it mean for those who can? Is this a sign of bummage, or one of pure perfection? have we finally begun to let go of our up tight trends and begun the journey back home to the hippie days? 

Perhaps women are standing up for their beliefs, which consist of not purchasing a $60 breast trap. Either way, I am supporting your decision to not support. And if someone has a clue on how to do it better, throw that info right here to this girl, a young girl full of envy.

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