Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lets Look at Life Shall We?

There are appropriate times to stop and think, on an escalator is not one of them. There are acceptable comparisons to make, the durability of $10 Forever 21 boots to $1,000 Christian Louboutin’s is not one of them. And there are times when you need to analyze what you are doing, and if you are doing it right. In the airport waiting for a flight seems just right.

This time came for me right now, as I sat in the Austin airport. Recently I made the choice to take my business to the next level. By next level I simply mean flying to Lubbock more often to try and pick up awesome businesses as well as sneak quick visits with dear friends. I am pretty young and insanely naive, so clearly my attitude towards business ventures are tainted with irrationality. Either way, here I sat.

All around me are men. Big, strong, burly men. Okay no, this is not a commercial for Axe. There are men, but their most suitably titled would be business men. They have on suites and ties. Their bags black and compact. Shoes polished and computer screens cleaned. I note this because pulling mine out to jot down blog words I was disgusted by its thickening layer of it’s young professional film.

Just as these men, I am flying for business. We are all trying to make something of ourselves and boost our rapport. The difference between us though, is astronomical. With legs folded into a decently upholstered airport chair I am hammering away on my Perks Of Being A Wall Flower covered computer, using my phone to answer emails with stolen wifi, and construing the perfect plan for snapping a plane photo for Instagram before anyone sees me. Unlike them, I am not professional. 

So, who has it right? Is it a sign of disrespect to not show up in a “grown up” outfit? Am I slowly but surely running my business into the ground by not carrying more than a mere purse to my destination. This being something I took great pride in last night packing, and again walking through the security line like Gandhi at a peace offering. Rules did not apply.

Checking off task form a floral Stamped journal, that I hand write in, and talking to businesses about wanting to make them strive off me being invested in their dream might not be the most plausible way of working towards success. I’m not sure it can be said in stone if what I’m doing will help or hurt. But, what I can say is that I have dreams. I have ambitions and I want to change things. I want to work with people who are like me, and help their businesses grow through passion not strategy. I hold mad respect for the people in suites, working for companies to expand a model. Without them my ideas wouldn’t work. But for now, I’m going to stick with doing what I love, not doing what I know. 

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