Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Parental Living

This morning began with a 6 am alarm. Then a 6:15 buzz. A 6:30 thought. And a final 8:20 freak out. I had committed the worst crime of all... I over slept. No matter how hard you try to shake this, your day is ruined from the start. Nothing seems to work and none of your time is valuable until your eyes are closed again. 

I stumbled into the hall in a gasping manner, coming face-to-face with my mom and letting out a shrill peep "I'm late!" 

And just as I decided to write a blog about the funny and ever daunting task of living at home after graduation I was reminded that I am in the exact right place, at the exact right time. 

Unlike most, I have never been opposed to living with my parents. It is a great way to have clean clothes and cut expenses. More than that, my parents are at my speed. I don't party and bars give me the anxious sweats, so it only makes sense. Sitting home  watching nightly cable TV line ups is right where I want to be. 

Sure, my parents comments of being welcome to live with them forever does tug at scary heart strings. But you have to look at moving in as just a big growing step as moving out. There is a point where you build your own life, and make your own choices, but until then take the ride for what it is. Sure it's a prideful thing to say you make enough money to live on your own. Especially when you start like me with a free internship and a dream. 

Though as I grow up and move on, it will not be forgotten that my frantic morning was much calmed by the daunting task my mother has of knowing me. I was fed and coffeed before stumbling on my way to a day full of meetings. Never forget all your parents do, they give you the fuel to carry on, and turn back your bed at night... even when you are 22. I wouldn't be where I am without them. And to those who say they can't handle living at home after graduation, I think you should reevaluate. 

By all means, if you can move out do it. Living in your own place is great. But if you can't, don't spend every minute filling your mind with taunting thoughts. After all, as we get older our parents become pretty legit. 

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