Friday, September 20, 2013

The Time I Went Crazy: Future

Nothing like ending your week with the last of a three part installment, right? You have read about my break down and then about my cousin who very well taught me more than any college course all by being herself. But now I am here, mending shambles with nothing much more to do. 

And that is where the future comes in, and where I give myself a little pep talk:

"Life is a funny little thing, full of wonder and magic. It is also full of crap and hard times. You take the good with the bad. You are allowed to cry, though I advise you do it alone (much more therapeutic and less awkward that way). And you are going to encounter times where nothing seems to be working. Where you feel like everything you do is wrong. 

That happens. It's there to help you learn. 

You are not alone in thinking these things, and you are not alone in wanting to try harder. But you have to remember that you are trying. If you aren't, then there is a problem. 

People out there really believe in you. Maybe only one or two, but those are people. You have got to take more pride in your work and in yourself. The only way you will succeed in this world is to do so. 

You are going to fail, time and time again. If you aren't failing you are being too safe. And if you are fearing failure you are setting yourself up for disaster. This is a part of life, it does not mean you have to stop living. You can count every dollar three times and wait for the exact right opportunity to present itself or you can make opportunity happen. 

If you are going to say you are bound for glory, find it. No one won by sitting on their butt.  

And for goodness sakes get over your fear of putting yourself out there. It is cramping your style and people are calling you a grandma... You are young. You are inventive. You are here. Be here all the time."

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